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International Journal of Martial Arts - Vol. 6

[ Article ]
International Journal of Martial Arts - Vol. 6, pp. 1-14
Abbreviation: injoma
ISSN: 2287-8599 (Online)
Online publication date 24 Feb 2020
Received 27 Nov 2019 Accepted 14 Feb 2020

Influence of Training Satisfaction on Acculturative Stress and Life Satisfaction: Taekwondo Trainees in the U.S. Army in the Republic of Korea
Dongchan Kim ; Sungkyun Choa
aGraduate of school physical education, Kyunghee University, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do


This study was conducted to determine the capacity of taekwondo as a leisure activity to reduce the acculturative stress of U.S. soldiers stationed in the Republic of Korea (ROK; South Korea) and to improve their working efficiency. An additional, goal was to determine whether taekwondo was an appropriate activity for the Korean head-start program by investigating its effectiveness in minimizing U.S. soldiers’ acculturative stress and maximizing their life satisfaction in South Korea.


To achieve those goals, the researchers surveyed 200 U.S. soldiers while they were stationed in South Korea, using convenience sampling. Among the collected questionnaires, the researchers discarded 23 with unusable or corrupted responses, leaving 177 questionnaires for data analysis. To acquire the results, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multi-regression analyses were performed using SPSS ver. 23 and AMOS 21.0.


The results indicate that taekwondo training satisfaction is a negative predictor of acculturative stress and a positive predictor of life satisfaction, and that acculturative stress is a negative predictor of life satisfaction.


The findings are discussed in light of previous works, along with ways to improve the taekwondo program as a leisure activity to reduce acculturative stress.

Keywords: Taekwondo, leisure, training satisfaction, acculturative stress, life satisfaction, U.S. soldier

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