International Journal of Martial Arts - Vol. 8

[ Article ]
International Journal of Martial Arts - Vol. 8, No. 0, pp. 96-112
Abbreviation: IJMA
ISSN: 2287-8599 (Online)
Print publication date 28 Feb 2023

Developing a Martial Arts Program to Meet the Expectations of Contemporary Parents
Leandro de Lorenco-Lima
Liberty University Department of Psychology

Correspondence to : Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Leandro de Lorenco- Lima, Liberty University, 971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA 24515, United States. Email:


Background: In a fast-paced world, parents often search for extracurricular activities to allow children to develop life skills crucial for successful living in adulthood. Martial arts classes are generally considered a strong alternative due to their effectiveness in improving several physical and psychological skills. The present study proposed a systematical approach to martial arts classes to address physical and psychological skills in children and adolescents from 4 to 13 years old. In addition, this study aimed to determine the parental motivations for enrolling children in martial arts classes and to investigate their satisfaction with the proposed program in addressing their needs. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, forty-six parents representing forty-six children participating in the proposed martial arts program responded to a single open-ended question asking their motivations for enrolling their children in martial arts classes. The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-3 was used to obtain the degree of parental satisfaction with the program. Results: Findings revealed that parents recognized the improvement of self-defense and anti-bullying skills, self-confidence and self-esteem, and discipline and self-control as the top three reasons to enroll their children in martial arts classes. The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-3 revealed high parental satisfaction with the proposed program in addressing their needs. Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that the proposed program met the parents' expectations and needs identified as the primary concerns in enrolling their children in martial arts. The relevance of meeting the parents' expectations is due to their crucial role in sustaining the children's involvement in sports. A well-structured program has the potential to satisfy parents, prolong the children's participation, and optimize the long-term benefits promoted by martial arts involvement.

Keywords: combat sports, jiu-jitsu, confidence, discipline, self-defense, anti-bullying

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