Evaluation of a Novel ACL Injury Prevention Technique: Can Martial Arts Fall Training (Break-falling and Rolling) Alter the Lower Extremity At-Risk Biomechanics in Soccer Athletes
Interventions have not reduced the incidence of ACL tears. The majority of ACL injuries occur during noncontact episodes, often when athletes land from a jump or stop to change direction. We proposed that by introducing martial arts fall training (break-falling and rolling), the neuropathways of athletes will be trained to recognize and avoid at risk postures by having an alternative response.
The aim was to compare lower extremity biomechanics in soccer athletes with fall training compared to those without.
5 youth athletes between the ages of 9 and 16 years old who were members of a youth premier soccer club were recruited.
Subjects continued usual soccer training. The intervention group completed a twice weekly 10-week training program taught by a karate and aikido expert. At baseline and after the program, subjects underwent a biomechanical evaluation.
A significant decrease in knee flexion in the sagittal plane at initial contact was demonstrated pre and post-intervention (-4.802 degrees, P <0.001). There was also a significant decrease in knee flexion in the sagittal plane at heel strike 33ms (-7.384 degrees, P<0.001).
A statistically significant change in body mechanics when comparing pre and post-break falling intervention was discovered.
Martial arts, break falling, ACL, injury preventionReferences
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