Effects of Chan-Chuang on Physical and Mental Health: A Literature Review
Chan-Chuang is a traditional Chinese mindfulness training, which has becoming an emerging method to improve public health. As yet, a range of studies have been conducted to reveal the effects of Chan-Chuang, and potential metal and physical benefits have been identified. This essay aimed to make a comprehensive review on health benefits of Chan-Chuang and bring practical indications for complementary therapy. A systematic searching was performed via databases including CNKI (in Chinese), Weipu (in Chinese), Wanfang (Chinese), Baidu Academic (Chinese) and Web of Science. There are 297 articles in total and 46 articles were finally included. Results suggested that Chan-Chuang may contribut to brain synchronization, reducing spinal pain, and protecting knee joints. Psychologically, Chan-Chuang may also promote cognitional and emotional state.
Chan Chuang, Intervention, Physical and Mental Health, MechanismReferences
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